Well, aside from the Big Day on the 15th, it is back to a slow Crawl! There has been next to no flight and the weather isn't helping!
We can only wait for the change to trigger the Birds! It is a definate test of ones patients of watching the Skies and seeing only a handful of Birds at most!
Owl Season is also upon us and we have managed 1 night with no success. Tonight was supposed to be Raining when I checked at 3:30 so I went for a nap(I am sleepdeprived)! When I got up at 7:30 the weather was perfect to try, but I am not going to try! Could be I am tired of sitting and getting nothing, or because I am still recouping from this Cold! Or maybe it is both!
I know we will have Great Days and Nights ahead and , we have to be patient. They are only just getting Owls in Picton, so this weekend should give us our first Taste of NSWO's of the season.
On a differant note(Station Based), I was robbed ! Someone broke into our Station and stole My Digtal Camera, a pair of Speakers and a pair of Binoculars! I had taken for granted that we are on Private Property and about 1/4 mile from the Road, so I figured I didn't need actual Locks on the Door! Well that has now changed , unfortunately I cannot be as Trusting anymore!
It was probably Teenagers, but it could be disgruntled Hunters(Poachers) that are not supposed to be on the property as it is a Non-hunting /Conservation Property!
It is the 2nd act of Vandals in the last 2 years! Last fall , one of our Nets were cut and the Pole removed! Possibly related and perhaps more trouble is on the Horizon, but I am trying to remain Optimistc that nothing else will happen! I don't want to totally lose my Trust in the Human Race !
Till next Time!