Well it has been a while since my last post. Work has a bad habit of getting in the way of everything. We closed the station down 2 weeks ago account of impending Bad Weather. We have had almost 2 feet of snow since and are glad we didn't leave it one more day.A few more Hawks were caught prior to Closing down and we ended on a very High Note.
The Goshawk Traps were ran for another week with a couple of Birds being Caught.
We are working on a new Osprey Platform in partnership with Natural Resources and Go Transit. The local Rail Line is being put back in Service with Passenger(Commutor) Trains. They have taken all the old Telegraph Poles down except 1 account it has been used for the past couple of years for a Nest Structure by aair of Osprey. It is right near a Level Crossing and attracts alot of attention from the General Public.Because of the Public getting very near the Nesting Birds, the coming of Commutor Train Service and the fact that the Pole is not sturdy enough to withstand many more years and the Nest Falls down every winter it will be relocated.
It took some time to find a Local Land Owner who would accept having a Nest Pole on their property account the High volume of People wanting to claim the Osprey as their own and Trespassing was high on the list of Concerns. With the Landowners that did volunteer their Properties for a possible Nest Site, we looked at what would be the most Central to their Hunting Grounds and previous Nest Sites , that would help the Osprey to accept a New Location.The weather has slowed us down on this, as we can not get our Materials to the sitedue to 3-4 foot Snowdrifts.
Today (friday) I found a Turkey Vulture eating a Road Killed Racoon on my way to work.It was less than a mile from my House and is a little Late in the season for them.
Well I will try to get all of our Stats for the season and post them when I have a chance.I hope everyone has a Safe and Healthy Christmas Season. Cheer's Garth